Tuesday, 29 March 2011


March has been an insane month for me with loads of projects all bottlenecking in the last week ("Deadlines dropping like cluster bombs", is how a friend of mine brilliantly describes such moments).

Mostly though I have been busy working with a(nother) friend of mine, Tim Bryans over at Spotflick Ltd, on designs for an App for the iPad. Exciting! Can't give much away as it is still currently in development, but by way of an apology for no postings recently I have decided to share a sneak peek at one of the images. I have got quite attached to this little robot. He is officially nameless, though I have always thought of him as a Douglas.

Off for a short break as of tomorrow. Looking forward to being sans pencil for wee while.

Monday, 7 March 2011


Have been watching some Flight Of The Conchords again recently and just fancied doodling a few of the characters. Here is the result of some sketching last week and a bit of Photoshop jiggery pokery from earlier today.

There would seem to be a bit of a theme emerging here involving HBO Television Series characters and me feeling compelled to doodle them up on to my blog. Probably something to do with them all being so well-written and perfectly executed on screen that makes them such good cartoon/caricature material. I think. At some point I will surely run out of HBO material and be forced to diversify, but until that day comes, you'll just have to bear with me.

Alex. Prisint.